Cátedra: Inglés - Nivel II
Profesoras: Erika Chrobak y Norma Maure
Integrantes del grupo:
Fernández Matías.
Figueroa Aldana.
Paccoret Maximiliano.
Pessoa Matías.
Año: 2017
Abstract numero uno:
Enlace: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050916326400
“Integration of Gamification Technology in Education”
Por: Derviş Kayımbaşıoğlu; Bora Oktekin; Hüseyin Hacı
Educational system plays crucial role on the development of nations, and the impact of early education empower knowledge acquisition. In this research, technology assisted second language learning (English) with peace context is used to reveal impact of information and communication technologies (ICT)in learning. The study is carried on 5 years old pre-schoolers, representing 4 classes with the average of 17 students in each, and the total of 60 sample students. Knowledge acquisition and tests are conducted with in class gamification training. Tests are first carried out by written assessment, then conducted with technology assisted gamification activity. Results revealed that teaching language with ICT together with gamification context significantly improved language acquisition and awareness of peace concept. Furthermore, observations show that technology assisted learning also minimizes distraction of children and boosts learning curve.
Keywords: Gamification; technology in education; information and communication technologies (ICT) in learning; statistical performance investigation
Abstract número dos:
“Teachers’ Information and Communication Technology(ICT) Skills and Practices of Using ICTand Their Pedagogical Thinking”
Por: Kai Hakkarainen, Hanni Mukkonen, Lasse Lipponen, Liisa Ilomaki, Marjaana Rahikainen, Erno Lehtinen.
The purpose of the study was to analyze relations betweenteachers’ skills in using the new information and communi-cation technology (ICT), their pedagogical thinking, andtheir self-reported practices. About 600 Finnish elementaryand high school teachers representing 64.1% of the intendedteacher population responded to a self-report questionnaire. The study indicated that only a small percentage of teachershad adequate technical ICT skills although a majority had ac-cess to computers either at home or at school. The study fur-nished evidence that, in the classroom, teachers who activelyused ICT emphasized (more than other teachers) the impor-tance of using information technology for supporting a re-search-like process of inquiry, collaborative learning, learn-ers’ active engagement in the knowledge-formation process,and the learnability of intelligence. Further, the results indi-cated that the discrepancy between teachers’ pedagogicalprinciples that commonly emphasized active construction of knowledge, and their self-reported pedagogical practices,was lower for teachers who intensively use ICT as comparedwith other teachers.
Keywords: information and communication technology (ICT); teachers; self-report questionnaire; teachers’ pedagogical principles; construction of knowledge.
Abstract número tres:
Enlace: https://www.westminsterpapers.org/articles/abstract/10.16997/wpcc.49/
“What makes you happy? Insights into feelings and muses of community radio practitioners”
Por: Stefania Milan
What makes you happy in your daily activity at the radio? This question was asked to more than forty community radio practitioners from all over the world in the framework of a research on community radios as a social movement. People were encouraged to reveal their feelings and elaborate on their inner motivations for joining the radio station. Three main points could be singled out from the interviews: the idea of the radio as a ‘free space’ for the articulation of views and opinions, the role of community radio as amplifier of voices of other social groups, and the collective dimension of projects.
This article draws on interview texts using the method of discourse analysis to illustrate motivational frames of community radios activists, providing an original view of the radios, often considered ‘only’ as producers of alternative audio material or mere ‘infrastructures’, while the dimension of motivations and feelings is often neglected.
Keywords: community radio, framing, emotions, social change, voice, empowerment.
Abstract número cuatro:
Enlace: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00216.x/full
“The Social Affordances of the Internet for Networked Individualism”
Por: Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase, Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen, Keith Hampton, Isabel Díaz, Kakuko Miyata
We review the evidence from a number of surveys in which our NetLab has been involved about the extent to which the Internet is transforming or enhancing community. The studies show that the Internet is used for connectivity locally as well as globally, although h the nature of its use varies in different countries. Internet use is adding on to other forms of communication, rather than replacing them. Internet use is reinforcing the pre-existing turn to societies in the developed world that are organized around networked individualism rather than group or local solidarities. The result has important implications for civic involvement.
Keywords: Surveys; Internet; community; connectivity locally; networked individualism.
Abstract seleccionado: “What makes you happy? Insights into feelings and muses- of community radio practitioners”
Por: Stefania Milan
Elegimos el proyecto de tesis de Stefania Milan debido a que aborda una temática que nos sobrepasa como estudiantes y futuros comunicadores sociales. La radio en sí misma es un elemento comunicacional en el cual desarrollamos prácticas durante estos años de la carrera y un medio el cual en un futuro nos vamos a desempeñar profesionalmente. En cuanto a la radio comunitaria es una temática que es pertinente conocer mediante esta investigación que tiene como objetivo analizar a quienes son trabajadores y son parte de este tipo de radio alternativa en el mundo de la comunicación.
“¿Qué te hace feliz en tu actividad diaria en la radio?" es una de las preguntas que le sirvió como disparador a la investigadora para describir ésta temática. En esta investigación hay ejes importantes como personas que se atreven a revelar sus sentimientos y como los mismos individuos encuentran una motivación para unirse a una estación de radio o programa.
Por otro lado, un punto importante en este proyecto es la idea de la radio como “un espacio libre” en la cual individuos articulan opiniones, hacen debates, discuten etc. También se destaca el papel de la radio como amplificador de voces de otros grupos sociales, abrir la radio para todos y todas que necesiten o quieran un espacio para la libertad de expresión que es lo la principal diferencia con un medio de comunicación tradicional.